Editorial Like buns melting on the tip of your tongue Not so long ago I attended a farmer´s market. It reminded me of market places all over the world where I was just doing my job: photographing and filming. This time, no cameras – just me and my tablet, stuck in my pocket. Back home it´s me doing the tasting and grinning down tourist lenses. The roles have been reversed. It´s me acting the native, and hopefully doing a good job. Waving magnanimously, as if everything´s fine, just keep the shutters clicking. I note how the foreigners keep all their pockets buttoned up, protecting their passport pouches by hanging them around their necks or clutching them in their hands. Given the amiable atmosphere this seems almost out of place. But pickpockets are everywhere, so why not in Prague? Just look at ourselves, how we often go over the top. Maybe I should write about this one day – the thought flashes through my mind just as I bump into a stall chock-a-block with buns. There they are, smiling at me out of their baskets and tempting me to taste them. “So which one are you going to have – cottage cheese, plum jam or maybe poppy seed? Would you prefer one from the edge or from the centre?”, asks the lady. I hesitate then finally choose poppy seed, actually two of them, from the edge and from the centre. I take them down to a bench by the river, savouring my first bite; then I pull out my tablet and switch on for my emails. “Downloaded your last edition of Heartcore just before my vacation,” someone has just written in. “Wonderful reading, just didn´t know where to begin.” The writer added a couple of ideas for us to include into our next editions. A little praise goes a long way, even just the thought of someone taking the trouble to write to us. So I devoured the second bun as well. It melted away on the tip of my tongue. In the end I went back to the stall and bought a couple more to take home with me. I trust that Heartcore has the same effect on our readers: first an appetiser, then back for seconds. Try us, you´ll see! Good reading with our new number. Miroslav Náplava Editor in Chief FACEBOOK HEARTCORE.VOYAGE